Abraham Sacrifices Isaac

Bible Reading:  Genesis 22:1-9

Memory Verse:
Romans 12:2  Therefore, I urge you… in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship.


What is your biggest treasure?  I once had an Atari 2600, the best video game system in the world (at the time). Back then, it cost two hundred dollars.

Abraham treasured his young son Isaac.  He prayed for years for a son and finally became a dad at age 100.  I bet he jumped for joy, if he wasn’t too old to jump anymore. He loved him so much.

And then God surprised Abraham. He told him, “Take your only son and go to the top of Mount Moriah where you will offer him to me as a burnt

How could God ask such a thing?  Local gods demanded human sacrifices, but the God of Abraham never had.

Abraham sadly obeyed him anyway. He took Isaac to the top of Mount Moriah. Isaac himself carried the wood.

Abraham put Isaac on the altar and raised his knife.  Suddenly a voice from heaven called out. “Stop! I know now that you fear God because you didn’t withhold your only son from me.”

God showed him a ram in the thicket to sacrifice instead. Abraham must have felt relieved. (And Isaac too!)

Abraham had passed a special test. He trusted God completely and given Him everything.  In another place in the Bible it says he believed that God could raise Isaac from the dead.

We don’t always understand what God asks of us, but we trust Him because His promises never fail.

What about You?

Would you pass the “Abraham test” on your greatest treasure?  What if he told you to give it away?

Is there anything in your life that takes up more than it should?

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, there is nothing more important than you in my life.  Look into my heart and see if there are any idols.  Keep me living a righteous life.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.