Bible Reading: Mark 1: 1 – 8
Memory Verse: Acts 3:19a Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out…
What did you have for breakfast today? Was it cereal? Pancakes? Today’s story is about John the Baptist. For some reason, he ate locusts and wild honey. Locusts are like grasshoppers. I’m just glad he sweetened them up a little.
John the Baptist is a very colorful character. Instead of living in a nice house with nice clothes, he lived in the wilderness. Instead of wearing fancy clothes like the Pharisees, he wore a scratchy camel skin robe.
John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin. He came to prepare the way for Jesus. He baptized many people who repented of their sins including tax collectors and soldiers. He told people to prepare their hearts because God was sending a Messiah, a savior for their sins.

Pharisees came out to see what John the Baptist was doing. He told them, “Just because you’re children of Abraham doesn’t make you righteous. You should bear fruit that shows you’ve turned from your sin.”
Imagine an apple tree that doesn’t grow any apples. It’s big enough and old enough but it doesn’t grow anything. You need to call a tree doctor to see what’s wrong.
People who call themselves Christians but disobeying God are like those fruitless apple trees. John was calling people to turn back to God because Jesus was coming.
What about you?
Are there apples in your tree? Is there evidence of a changed life in you?
Are you ready for when Jesus comes? Or are there sins you need to repent?
Thank you Father for pastors who preach against sin. Give me a clean heart so that I won’t sin against you. In Jesus name, Amen.